The Cresset
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
The Cresset is currently on hiatus and is not accepting submissions at this time.
Mission Statement: The Cresset, a journal of commentary on literature, the arts, and public affairs, explores ideas and trends in contemporary culture from a perspective grounded in the Lutheran tradition of scholarship, freedom, and faith while informed by the wisdom of the broader Christian community.
What The Cresset publishes: We publish a broad range of writings addressing the role of faith in literature, the arts, and public affairs.
- The Cresset publishes essays of 3,000-5,000 words, including scholarly essays, review essays of recent publications focusing on a particular topic or author, and personal narratives, especially those that incorporate scholarly and religious insight.
- Columns of 1,500—1,800 words usually focus on specific books, films, musical works, specific current affairs and public events, or reflections on issues in the church today. Contributors are advised to consult with the editors before submitting for a particular column.
- Book reviews of less than 1,500 will also be considered for publication. Please consult with the editors before choosing a book to review.
- Approximately 25-30 poems are selected for publication each year.
General guidelines
- The Cresset’s readership is educated, most with some church connection, most frequently Lutheran. Articles should be aimed at general readers interested in religious matters.
- The Cresset is not a theological journal, but a journal addressing matters of import to those with some degree of theological interest and commitment. Authors are encouraged to reflect upon the religious implications of their subject.
- Style and spelling are governed, in most cases, by The Chicago Manual of Style and Webster's New International Dictionary.
- The use of extensive notes and citations is discouraged. Notes of supporting citations should be placed in parentheses in the text, listing (in order): last name of the author, year of publication, and page numbers where appropriate, e.g., (Basil, 1934: 232). When necessary, include a separate “Works Cited” section at the end of the essay.